Sunday, March 25, 2012

6 months old

Our beautiful Hazel is 6 months old. I know I am a little behind on posting but, the pictures were taken on   the day she was 6 months old. And isn't she cute.....
 This month I .....
*was blessed by my brother
*realized I can roll over a lot!
 *still hate baby food
*loooooovvvveeee balloons
 *am moms favorite running partner
*love to sleep curled up next to Daddy
 *still hate tummy time
 *love to play with Emmie
*am happy 
 *love to be naked
*watch Back Yardigans with Jax while mom goes to cross fit
 *love to "dance" at Hanna's drill performances
*love it when Morgan sings"That's What Makes You Beautiful," to me.
*love it when Ryanne puts me down for a nap

 *have most people wrapped around my finger
*never lack attention
*make a fake coughing sound so everyone rushes to take care of me
*am still known as, "Hazel Bushes" thanks to my friend, Zuri.

I am a happy healthy baby who is so lucky to be loved by so many people!


Zac-ShaunaFamily said...

She is adorable. We need to meet her.

Lindsay Smith said...

What a cutie! She is getting so big!

Janel said...

she is really sooooooo stinkin' cute!!