Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crazy Days!

Yesterday I had to postpone lunch with good friends. Emmie had to stay home from school. She is so cute. She REALLY wanted to go to school. However, I was afraid that I would get that ever embarrassing call from the office, "Mrs. Hellbusch, did you know that you shouldn't send your kid to school when they are coughing up a lung?" I stood firm. Emmie stayed home.... Ryanne stayed home too. They are inseparable, and so fun. Last night, after my stint of "domesticness" I came in and heard the little girls giggling in their bed! I have to admit, I love that sound.

My attempt at being domestic...

Raspberry freezer jam

Tomato soup

Ok, the truth is Karla offered to help Carey, Joy and I use our crops and make tomato soup. I offered Joy's kitchen (I know, I'm nice). While they were busy making the food, I was doing this.....

I just love Ruby!!!!


the weisenburger life said...

You sell yourself short! You were of great help! We love you!!! You are my idol! I wish I was just like you :o)

Janel said...

oh man i want some of that soup!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

Shannon said...

omgosh that ruby is darling!
Bummer on missing out on lunch, but what kind of a loser parent sends their kid to school when their sick? bahahahahah
Way to go on being Betty can you teach me?

KATE said...

great job on the jam!

Lindsay Smith said...

Emmie and Ryanne are so stinking cute! I love them! Just so you know I let someone else take Jersey's pictures because she wanted Jersey to be her model for her photography business that she was just starting up. I still want you to take some!!!