Monday, March 08, 2010

"I read that one!"

Emmie always comes through. Tonight, Jaxson gave a great lesson for Family Night. (I can't lie-I absolutely love that kid!) After his lesson I asked how we could avoid being tempted to make wrong choices. Each of the kids gave 12 really good answers. I told them about a talk I had read in the Ensign that gave the idea of having a "delete button" in your head. Right after I said the words, "delete button," Emmie yelled, "I read that one." PAY DAY!! They do listen to us sometimes! Who would have thought? A while back, Tim did a Family Night lesson on the importance of reading modern day revelation. He gave each of us a copy of the Conference Ensign and encouraged us to read it regularly. Tonight I was more than impressed with our eight year old's declaration: "I read that one!"

I just love her!!!!


Lindsay Smith said...

Emmie is so darling. How cute is that? I love her!

Laura said...

That is totally awesome. You guys are such great parents.

bulkleybunch said...

pretty impressive. i agree, you are an amazing parent. love you to death! and that is a beautiful picture of emmie.

Margaret said...


Plus...she's EIGHT?!? When did THAT happen?!