Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School 2010!

And they're off......

These are the faces that greet the question, "Can I just take a couple of quick pics before you go?"

Any sympathy?
These are the good looking faces that surrender to my pleading....

Much better huh? They are so cute. Jaxson is a SENIOR!!! Hanna is a high schooler!!!
These are the faces of love as Jaxson teases Hanna without mercy.
Any sympathy yet??????
These are the angelic faces that ASK for a couple of quick pics before they go....

Morgan is in 8th grade!

Emmie is in 3rd grade and Ryanne is a "big" 6th grader.

"This is my life! And it's beautiful!" (I say with a smile.) In all honesty, I MISSED my kids today. No one asked where I was when I came in from running. No one joined me in the shower to ask futile questions. No one made messes and left them all over the house. And no one cared if I came or went. Wait, did I miss them?!!! I DID!!! I love these kids, funny faces and all.

On to a new chapter.....


Carin Davis said...

Your kids are so great!!!
How are they SO grown up!?
The first day back is so bittersweet.

Lindsay Smith said...

They are all so cute! Love them to death!!! The picture of Jaxon teasing Hanna gave me a good laugh.

Sue said...

How do YOU have a senior. Your obviously not old enough...
Gorgeous kids!

Shannon said...

awesome!!! they are all growing up sooo fast, STOP IT!

seriously how awesome is it to have a whole day to yourself? What do you even do??!! haha

Sherri said...

Your kids are beautiful and just growing soooo fast! My oldest Halle is the same age as your youngest! I laughed at the futile questions while in the shower...every day that seems to be my kids!