Friday, November 12, 2010

Farewell dinner!

Okay, I don't like it a bit, but I have finally accepted that the Crocketts have moved. The adult/mature side of me is happy for them to have this  adventure. As we all know, that side of me is small. The rest of me is looking forward to Joy and I going to visit and counting the days until they return!

Morgan and Ruby

Hanna and Carey

Jaxson and Jude

Ruby and Carey
The night before they left, Ruby and Jude came trick-or-treating and then we had a "farewell dinner." Another bitter-sweet event! Joy made great food! It was a nice evening! I am touched by the love my family has for the Crocketts! Everyone cried when it was time to say goodbye. Ryanne is definitely my tender child. She loves those guys so much she cried for a couple of hours. I can't express how grateful I am that my kids have so many wonderful people that love them! 

We love and miss them to death!

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