Tuesday, July 15, 2008

San Jose Reunion!

This was such a fun day! Many of the kids/youth that grew up together in San Jose got together for a trip down memory lane! MOST of our memories are good!!!!! It was so fun to see everyone! I really hope that I never forget the way I felt at the reunion. We are all so lucky to have so many great people that touched our lives. Many of our leaders were there and commented that it was as if time had stood still and we were all teenagers again. UGH! Can you imagine? We were the worst! They were so patient and loved us so much. I will always be so grateful for each of the youth and every leader that was willing to put up with us! What great times we had!!!!

Shannon, Kate, Janel, and I met today for lunch at Gardner Village. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants! Yep, it was just like old times. Janel made us the best cookies ever. PLEASE SEND MORE!!!!! Kate wouldn't share hers with me! Thanks for the fun girls!


Shannon said...

Yahoo Kari! I love the pictures.
I totally love the Pictures of Stuart Falls. Boston will go there next week on a hike for Scouts, it looks Gorgeous!!

Janel said...

It was sooooo great seeing you and laughing our butts off!! It is really hard to believe that so much time has gone by...so glad that we still can enjoy eachothers company :)

KATE said...

Oh my good hell woman take those damn pictures of me OFF!!!! Yikes!

It was too fun & you're right i wasn't sharing my cookies! Yum!!

Janel said...

kate--you make me laugh!! love your comments!

KATE said...

Okay Janel you will appreciate this.. You saw Kari DOWN her cookies in 2.3 seconds. Then when we got home and she saw that I saved mine she wanted mine too! I told her to suck it! MY COOKIES! I didn't get this figure by sharing my cookies, hello!
She's been stealing my stuff since I was little... I must need therapy!

I still want that damn picture erased!!!!