Thursday, April 02, 2009

Say "Goodbye" to the space between Emmie's teeth!

Tomorrow Emmie is having oral surgery to remove the space between her two front teeth! Can anyone even imagine her smile without the space? I can't! Emmie came in my room the other morning and said, "Two more days til' I'm not Emmie anymore." That made me so sad. I told her that she will always be Emmie. She replied, "Emmie with a different smile." Here are pictures of her beautiful smile with the space for all to remember.

We love you Em!!!!


Mindy said...

Oh, I'm going to miss that little gap! I think she'll look more grown up... are you ready for that? :)

the weisenburger life said...

She will be the same beautiful Emmie either way! I love her and her smile.

andrew and brittani said...

I had to have that surgery when I was emmie's age.....