Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mr. Goodtimes

My sister, Kate, got Jaxson this shirt when she was in Colorado. In case you can't see, it says, "Mr. Goodtimes." It is so cool. Jaxson is quite the hottie and I am not just saying that because I am his mom. (Okay so I am a little biased)Jaxson has just recently started "worrying" about how he looks. It is funny. He will ask Hanna or I if his clothes match and if they look "cool" or not. I love it. He was playing catch with Kate and Morgan today. I just had to get a picture.

Sam was hangin' out with me today. He is my buddy. He found these Halloween fingers that Emmie got at a party last week. You slip them over your fingers (like a finger puppet) and they have long,red pointed nails on them. I put them on and was tickling him. He wasn't so sure about them until I wore them and proved that they did not make your fingers fall off. Later he came downstairs with these funny teeth in his mouth and those fingers on his hands. This is a picture of him growling at me. He is such a fun little guy.

We ended the day with showers, homework, reading, dance and young men's. I am happy that we are healthy enough to do all of these things.


Shannon said...

Jaxon is a little Hottie! He is getting so big.... you know your old when your kids know more about style than we do!

KATE said...

That is the coolest shirt! You should see the other shirt I got him! Even cooler!!
Mr. Goodtimes is so funny, he's my bud playing football with me. Sammy is hilarious!