Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Where is my phone?????

I have lost my phone. It really is gone. I have offered monetary rewards. No one can find it!!!!!

Today started out pretty casual. I normally meet my friend at the Temple, but she called to say it was closed for cleaning. Then I ran two quick errands. I came home to prepare for Emmie's little "lunch bunch". It was my turn to have eight little neighborhood kids over for lunch. I had them make the cutest little picture frames out of tongue depressors.

So far so good. Right?

I am getting ready to leave for my first carpool of the day. I am looking everywhere for my phone. I can't find it. I am afraid to leave kids home because I can't find my stinkin' phone! Luckily Hanna and Jax have phone so I could borrow one of those. However, it is driving me crazy that I can't find my phone! I have retraced and retraced my steps. It literally has disappeared.

I was headed to find material for blankets for Ryanne and her cousin Savannah. In spite of a short delay while I searched in vane for my phone, we had a good time. The girls and I went to dinner. They were just full of giggles. We found material, ate, and got home just in time to drive another dance carpool. We are so lucky!!! Well, if you hear a phone ringing, look around-it could be mine!

1 comment:

KATE said...

I have looked yet again in my car, it's not there. Sorry dude!
Savannah and Ry look cute, I'm very jealous that you took them to Outback! How fun!