Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday November 8, 2006

Emmie had preschool today. The older kids had school. (obviously) Hanna and Emmie had dance this afternoon. Ryanne and Morgan have tumbling and hip hop this evening. AND....Jaxson AND Hanna have Young Mens/Womens. I am officially old, the sad thing is my kids are getting old too. I am also not really enjoying the attitudes that seem to be the outcome of this coming of age! I am absolutely positive that my kids are the only one's with attitudes, opinions, and dirty looks. My kids tell me that I am the only mom that makes her kids do chores, help with brothers and sisters, and do any other "duty" that seems undesirable to a child. I do hear, however, that in a good 3-7 years things will start looking up. That makes everything better.

On a more cheerful note- my team won our soccer game last night. The team we played was young. I would say early twenties at the oldest. We showed em' though. They were rough and there were a couple of tense moments between players,but, in the end we pulled it off. My team is great. I have been feeling yucky and was not very energetic last night. As far as I know, I haven't been kicked off of the team yet. That is good. It is great excercise!

Well our mac and cheese is almost done (Only good moms make their kids mac and cheese for dinner), Emmie is getting out of the tub, and I need to run kids to Tumbling. Until tomorrow!


Shannon said...

Oh Dude, My Child has Chores, Like Lots of Chores, and I hear the same thing. You got to make these kids work for the Sweet Stuff they Get< Holy Cow!

KATE said...

I tell you what, all 3 of my kids have chores. Sams are a little lame, but they still have them. People are seriously getting afraid of their kids! It's crazy. We give them everything we possibly can, I think picking up after themselves and helping is just part of being a family and helping them to be big kids. I'm not saying I know what I'm doing. But my word!!