Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ryanne Loses a Tooth!!

Ryanne is so proud. She pulled and pulled and pulled on that tooth until it finally came out. Ryanne can't wait until the tooth fairy visits tonight. (Hopefully he remembers!) I love Ry she is such a fun kid to hang out with.

I missed my normal Wednesday trip to the Temple. Emmie threw up until 4:30am. Tim is home and he helped all night up with the kids in the morning. They were late for school. But, at least they made it! Tim is almost never home from Thanksgiving until Christmas. This has been a nice break.(for me anyway)I got our pictures for Christmas cards, was able to get gifts ready to send, and still have had time for normal activities. That never happens. Thanks Tim!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey I just got my Christmas Cards ready too.. Look for mine in the Mail!