Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just like old times....

After all the other kids had started school, it was just Emmie and I home during the day. Emmie was my best friend! I miss our lunch dates and our trips to Target together. Yesterday I kept Em home from school because she had been sick the day before. It turned out that she was fine. So Emmie and I "played" all day. It was just like old times. We babysat in the morning, ate lunch at Taco Amigo and then ran a few errands. I didn't realize how much I have missed that one on one time with Emmie. She NEVER stops talking. I loved it. I loved sweet conversations while driving, insights to what songs on the radio mean, discussions about her latest crush and
Emmie asking me to ask her how to spell "medium" words. It was a cold, rainy day that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED! Thanks Em!


andrew and brittani said...

What happened to your baby?

Shannon said...

wait, you babysit?? i'm coming over! ha...
seriously though, i may need morgan sometimes. Is she a crazy dancer too though??

love you and miss you. Lets go to lunch soon!