Sunday, October 08, 2006

Aaaahhhh! The weekend is over and so are the sleep overs, and the late nights. It is almost bedtime. Yeah. I had to teach my friend Mindy's Sunday School class today. The kids were 16 and 17 years old. They would not talk at all. It was so weird. I usually teach the 13 and 14 year olds. That class is a bunch of boys that usually throw things at me. It was quite the switch. I can't decide which is worse. I did get to teach in the Primary room today and use the music stand to set my lesson on. I felt kind of important. Oh, only until I asked a girl if she had her scriptures and she told me she did not want to open them. It was crazy. Like I was in Bizzarro World. Anyway it is over and we all survived. Thank goodness!!

Last night I was so tired that I forgot to mention that I had gone to the funeral for my friends mom. It was such a nice service. Her mom was such a neat lady. It was neat to learn things about her life that I did not know. My friends mom had taught school for years and when she went in for surgery last week the Doctor had been one of her students, many years ago. I thought that was so cool. I was so grateful to be able to be at the service.

Well, I am off. KH

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I think mindy owes you big time! What was their deal? Let me come and show you how to do your DVD. Call me and let me know when you are home.