Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Halloween is finally here. We all had a fun and exciting day. We also had treats, treats, and more TREATS!!! My waist will be happy when the treats are gone. I helped with Morgan's school party. I was in charge of Musical Chairs. The kids loved it. I found some "spooky" music online. Most of the kids danced around the chairs. I think everyone had fun. I know Morgan did. I took treats to Hanna and Ryanne's classes. I can only be so many places at once. The kids get so excited when I visit them at school. Not quite as excited as they get when dad visits them, but I will take whatever I can get. Jaxson and his friend sprayed their hair orange and called it "good". They just wanted candy. Hanna was a football player. Morgan was a dead, yes dead, cheer leader. (I guess we know how she feels about the whole cheer leading thing. Ryanne was Daphne from Scooby Doo. She came home kind of sad because everyone had to ask who she was. I thought she was adorable. Emmalyne was Sleeping Beauty. She wore her dance costume from last year with a little Tiara. She was sooo cute. We ended the evening with a little bit of bartering for each other's candy and some homemade soup and wassil. We missed our dad, but at the end of the day, it was a great Halloween. It was taking too long to upload pictures so I will post them in the morning. They are cute!!!

I almost forgot! Today is my friend Shannon's birthday. Happy Birthday Shannon!!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Thanks Kari! I am going tomorrow @ 9:30 I am back to going every wed!
Happy Halloween!!!! I missed you at my lunch.