Sunday, October 01, 2006

The celebration continues!! Today we had Grandma Robin, Uncle Scott, Aunt Kate and their kids over for dinner and cupcakes in celebration of Morgan's birthday. I made her a blanket that Tim really likes(Gee, I wonder what he will get for Christmas), and Grandma and Kate gave her various items from clothes to puzzles to jewelry. She made out like a bandit. Tim bought her a shirt in Washington DC that says, "Future President."It is very cute and she was so excited. It is true you know. One day she might really be the President. Just ask her. Never fear though, the fiesta continues with a friend party next weekend. She is inviting a few friends to get pedicures. I am sure that the pictures will be great. We will keep you posted.

I don't know about anyone else, but I get excited for bedtime on Sundays. It is so fun to be together. We all snuggled and watched conference and then ate with family, but I am ready for bed! The kids are too, they just don't know it. Everyone is so happy that Tim is home for the next little while. I just can't think of all the fun to be had!!



Shannon said...

Happy Birthday MO! I love the Blanket!!!!

KATE said...

Hey Nice Pimp daddy Tim! Happy Birthday Moses!!
Love you tons!!