Monday, October 30, 2006


We went to Ogden for a dance convention/competition. It was fun. A little crazy, but fun! Many of our friends that dance with other studios were there. It was fun to see all the kids dance. They are amazing kids. Morgan and Hanna were the only kids I took. Morgan did not dance so she and I went with our friends to see the movie "Flicka" when Hanna was in class. That was a great movie. It was fun to pal around with Mo. We don't get very many one on one moments. They competition was Saturday. It did not get over until midnight so we stayed up there until Sunday morning. I got a bug or something. I threw up all day yesterday. I have not felt that sick in a long time. It was no fun. I am hoping that no one else gets it. Hanna danced great. She and her partner got a "gold". (That is good) Her team only did one dance. They got a gold also. The worst news of the weekend was that I forgot my camera!I was so sad. You will just have to trust that the girls looked cute.

Today I was pretty lazy. I wasn't sick anymore. I just felt so yucky. I did the usual help at the school and dance car pools. Tonight we are going to my sister's for family night. The kids are excited. She is making Chicken Pillows for dinner. They are our favorite. Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

KATE said...

dude, you do nothing! I wish you could be as busy as me!